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Pre-Apprenticeship Course Ends 2018 On A High

19 December 2018

A group of聽young aspiring engineers聽finished 2018 on a high, landing jobs at the end of a five-week Pre-Apprenticeship Course.

The course ran聽throughout聽November and early December at Campbelltown TAFE.聽During聽the course, the group learnt basic measuring, cutting and welding techniques, using a variety of tools聽and machinery. The students attended TAFE four days a week and then spent聽the other聽day with a聽澳门六合彩开奖结果查询 host聽employer, getting real experience on a jobsite.

澳门六合彩开奖结果查询鈥檚 Field Team Leader, Steve Horn, said the program was a big success, with 10 out of the 13 students receiving job offers post-course. The attitude and determination of the students also impressed him.

鈥淭heir attendance and punctuality during the course was exceptional,鈥澛燬teve said.

鈥淭o see the growth in their communication skills and how they worked and gelled together as a team. The whole group showed respect to the TAFE聽teachers聽and their on-site supervisors.鈥

Steve said the course gave the students an opportunity to learn about several trades, as well as the importance of safety on a jobsite.

鈥淭he way the course was designed and聽the unit of competence selected, gave聽the students opportunities to have experience in heavy vehicle, mobile plant equipment,聽electrical, fitting and machining,聽and聽heavy and light fabrication trades,鈥 he said.

鈥淒uring the course, we put a huge emphasis on safety, and educated聽the students with the importance of following safety processes and procedures in the workplace.鈥

Student Abbey聽Lyden聽said the course was a great way to get some practical experience before moving聽into the workforce full-time.

鈥淭here鈥檚 a lot more hands-on experience here than what I would say [happened] in high school, especially on the worksite,鈥 Abbey said.

鈥淭hey let you do a lot of things instead of just standing back and watching. They [employers] let you have a go, let you screw up and let you fix it. There鈥檚 a lot of freedom.鈥

Fellow student Austin聽Cahill聽echoed Abbey鈥檚 thoughts on the course.

鈥淚t has really taught me what I need to know; it has given me the necessary, basic skills to understand what I will be doing [in this trade],鈥 he said.

Congratulations to the students on completing the course! We look forward to seeing how they with their apprenticeships in 2019.